Mission Bay Shuttle

Posted By on August 16, 2017

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Mission Bay Shuttle Update: New & Improved Passenger Information Now Available!

Mission Bay Shuttle’s new passenger information system now gives you real-time arrivals from three mobile apps:• Transit• Google Maps App • Moovit  All are available on either Google Play or the App Store.Transit app



Our real-time data is also now integrated into Google Maps and Winmaps.  The new system lets you plan a trip using multiple modes and transit systems.  It also lets you view live vehicle locations.

Predictions will no longer be available on NextBus, effective on August 16th.


480 Mission Bay Blvd N
San Francisco, CA 94158
phone | (415) 558-1678

Management Team

General Manager
Gina Gorman | ggorman@actionlife.com

Karen Cubas | kcubas@actionlife.com

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
655 Montgomery Street, Suite 1190
San Francisco, CA 94111
phone | (949) 450-0202